"Only those who look with the eyes of children can lose themselves in the object of their wonder"
-Eberhard Arnold

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Close Ups of Litho Prints

These are some close up shots of my last litho print. I did a "weird wipe" to get the shadows and give depth and context to the image. I was really pleased with the way these prints rolled up and printed really easily. I pulled about 10 good prints from this image on my stone.

My experiences in Lithography Printmaking

Litho has been a challenging experience for me, but I've learned a lot. By the end of the semester in the shop, I finally felt like I got control of what I was creating and made that connection with my stone, and of course right when the semester is over! I hope to continue with my litho some day...but for now it's back to drawing. Back to the basics!

More Pencil Drawings

It always comes back to drawing for me when I'm trying to find a place to explore next...There's nothing much like sitting down with a sketch book and a pencil, and looking up 3 hours later and wondering where the time went and looking at what you've done